A very graphic story

Legal Outreach

This adaptive reuse project overlays the ethos —the culture and mission— of Legal Outreach onto an existing industrial building. This overlay is programmatic, spatial, and graphic. The project façade is painted gray with what appear to be abstract geometric shapes in accent yellow. An oblique approach along the street reveals their true meaning: a modified version of LO, the Legal Outreach logo, offering a glimpse of the special world happening within.

The graphics then fold into the building’s entrance and continue through the three interior levels. Three ribbons of color guide students and staff, creating a colorful canvas to share news or showcase remarkable work. A central metallic stair, the only architectural insertion of the project onto the original skeleton, is paired with motivational words. Imprinted on the three-level wall, the vertical connection becomes the core of the building, a constant reminder of the power of words, respect, and hard work.