Upper façade of building with weave of black, gray and white paneled facade punctured by brightly lit windows at dusk.
Teacher reading to students in room lit by windows puncturing gray paneled wall.
View from head office of front façade along E 103rd St.
View looking down as students walk up staircase along frosted glass façade.
Students with raised hands sit in large space framed by a window-wall and brightly lit circular recesses in ceiling.
Student reaching into blue-colored lockers with large perforations above yellow-accented wall and floor.
Students reading in yellow seating area in lobby beside front desk.
Students in yellow pinnies play basketball in brightly lit gymnasium.
School yard featuring pavement, turf, wooden seating and stairs surrounded by neighboring buildings.

The East Harlem School

A good neighbor builds community

New York, NY

The East Harlem School is an independent, not-for-profit, year-round middle school that recruits kids from underserved families, providing scholarships for all 160 enrolled students. The school is committed to maintaining an intimate cohort of students, in which each is recognized as an individual and as a contributor to the community. The first independent school in decades to have been built in Harlem, the design echoes the school’s mission and purpose and includes classrooms, offices, science labs, a library, gym, cafeteria and outdoor playspace.

Institutional 27,800 sf Completed in 2008 Architect-Led Design Build

Press & Recognition

“What a gift to talk to people who helped us imagine a physical embodiment of our values and goals, and then to daily walk with them on the building site as they put hands to thought.”

—Ivan M. Hageman, Head of School The East Harlem School
Fast CompanyJuly 17, 2009

East Harlem School: Contemporary Design, at a Bargain Price

By Cliff Kuang
Urban OmnibusFebruary 10, 2010

The East Harlem School at Exodus House


Archtiecture Honor Award

American Institute of Architects New York


Design Award of Merit (with Lux Populi)

International Lighting Desing Awards

International Association of Lighting Designers


K-12 Educational Facilities Design Award for Excellence

Boston Society of Architects


National Design-Build Award of Excellence

Design-Build Institute of America


Upper façade of building with weave of black, gray and white paneled facade punctured by brightly lit windows at dusk.
Upper façade of building with weave of black, gray and white paneled façade above frosted glass and tile during daytime.
View from street looking up at building tile, frosted glass and paneled façade along E 103rd St.
Façade on E 103rd St transitions from ground to upper floors starting as tile to frosted glass to panels.
School yard featuring pavement, turf, wooden seating and stairs surrounded by neighboring buildings.
View looking down on school yard filled with students lining the perimeter of the turf area.
View from head office of front façade along E 103rd St.
View looking up at students walking up staircase along frosted glass wall.
Students doing activity in circle in front of sun lit windows puncturing gray paneled wall.
Teacher reading to students in room lit by windows puncturing gray paneled wall.
Student reaching into blue-colored lockers with large perforations above yellow-accented wall and floor.
Students working at yellow table in room with brightly lit circular recesses in ceiling.
Students stretching in gymnasium with blue floor and geometric shapes on ceiling.
Students playing basketball activity in gymasium with blue floor and geometric shapes on ceiling.
Students studying in classroom with windows perforating gray panel patterned wall.
Students and teachers lined up around perimenter of gymnasium with blue floor and geometric shapes on ceiling.
View looking down as students walk up staircase along frosted glass façade.
Woman teaching students in classroom lit from windows perforating the gray panel patterned wall.
Yellow and orange chairs arrayed around desks in classroom lit from windows perforating the gray panel patterned wall.
Students reading in yellow seating area in lobby beside front desk.
Students with raised hands sit in large space framed by a window-wall and brightly lit circular recesses in ceiling.
Students seated in library framed by half height bookshelf and gray paneled wall punctured by windows.
Students in yellow pinnies play basketball in brightly lit gymnasium.
Students raise their hands in classroom lit by windows puncturing the gray paneled wall.
View behind cafeteria counter of staff serving food to students.
Students work at desks in library framed by gray paneled wall punctured with windows.
Teacher writes on whiteboard at front of brightly lit classroom filled with students.
Students throw white graduation caps in front of building.


Site plan locates building on E 103rd St and Second Ave in relation to surrounding buildings and roads.
Plans of the cellar, first, second, third/fourth floors illustrate different programming in the building.
Section through building gym, playground, cafeteria, classroom and discussion area/corridor.
Axonometric drawing illustrates methods to focus gathering spaces on the lower floors and studying on the upper floors.
Axonometric drawing detailing rainscreen system of weave paneled façade, flashing types, and the plank to soffit connection.
27,800 sf
Ground Up
Architect-Led Design Build
309 East 103rd Street, New York, NY 10029