Overall view of building wood clad exterior with vegetation in fore and background.
Close-up view from pathway to building entrance.
View within outdoor deck highlighting the glass corridor, wood cladding and forest background.
View across corridor into brightly lit living room and outdoor deck.
Living room populated with colourful furniture and black fireplace with window view to the outdoor deck.
View looking into outdoor deck framed by individual rooms, glass corridor and vegetated background.
Overall view of building wood clad exterior with person on deck and inside building.
Overall view of building with colourful blinds in windows.
Simple bedroom with large window to views of forest.
Looking down glass corridor to a view of the landscape through a window.
Work studio with large window to views of forest.
Side view of building exterior surrounded by forest.

Artist Retreat

Intimate cubes

Hudson Valley, NY

Artist Retreat is a working studio and haven for a photographer and visiting guests. Designed as a collection of cubes connected by glass hallways, the simple shapes follow the site’s topography and are organized in a shifting grid, reminiscent of the area’s agricultural plots. Each cube allows for independent temperature regulation through mechanical and natural means, promoting low-tech sustainability and minimizing energy use during swing seasons.

Houses 6,080 sf Completed in 2014 Architect-Led Design Build

Press & Recognition

DezeenFebruary 15, 2019

10 Houses with Weird and Wonderful Floor Plans

By Tom Ravenscroft


Residential Architecture Winner

The American Architecture Prize


International Architecture Award

The Chicago Athenaeum &

The European Centre for Architecture


Design Award of Merit

Society of American Registered Architects New York


Overall view of building wood clad exterior with vegetation in fore and background.
View looking into outdoor deck framed by individual rooms, glass corridor and vegetated background.
Overall view of building wood clad exterior with person on deck and inside building.
Overall view of building with colourful blinds in windows.
Overall view of building at night.
View from pathway to building entrance.
Close-up view from pathway to building entrance.
Overall view of building at dusk with windows lit from within.
View within outdoor deck highlighting the glass corridor, wood cladding and forest background.
Side view of building exterior surrounded by forest.
View of outdoor deck adjacent to dining room.
View showcasing spatial relationship between individual rooms clad in wood.
Interior view looking down a corridor highlighting the concrete and wood walls.
Looking down glass corridor to a view of the landscape through a window.
Glass corridor and surrounding buildings frame a view of landscape through a window.
View from glass corridor to adjacent outdoor deck and individual rooms.
View across corridor into brightly lit living room and outdoor deck.
Kitchen with white cabinetry, populated with colourful furniture and appliances.
Living room populated with colourful furniture and black fireplace with window view to the outdoor deck.
Living room populated with books and colorful furniture with view to dining room.
Work studio filled with artist supplies with view to landscape.
Work studio with large window to views of forest.
Simple bedroom with large window to views of forest.
Simpled bedroom with two twin beds framed by an open window and door to forest.
View from bedroom looking through window to person sitting on deck.


Site plan drawing to show building in relation to surrounding trees, parking, driveway and pond.
First floor plan illustrating the bedroom suite, living, dining, photography studio, work studio, outdoor deck, and sitting room.
Section drawing though corridor and outdoor deck looking west.
Section drawing though corridor and living room looking west.
Axonometric diagram of retreat morphology. Text reads: 1. Site and program area 2. Assign program 3. Distribute program in response to the site 4. Shift program modules 5. Add circulation 6. Add views and decks.
Drawing describing cellular system of building. Text reads: The Live-Work Unit. Each cube of the retreat regulates its own environment with various integrated features to allow localized control. Daylight and privacy are adjusted with large, solid sliding panels. Cubes contain a hinged door to bring in fresh air, to preserve view through the 8' x 8' windows. A simple "attic fan" on the roof draws air along the perimeter of the ceiling to promote cross ventilation.
Drawing describing ventilation and heating. Text reads: Roof fans promote cross-ventilation within each cube. Heating and cooling at the floor places conditioning where people are for comfort and efficiency.
6,080 sf
Ground Up
Architect-Led Design Build